
The Atom class represents a PMS Atom / package expression. It can be constructed from any valid Atom string, be it a simple foo/bar or a more restricted !>=foo/bar-1:0[baz].
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this class is used as the universal Atom representation in pms_utils, for example in ebuilds, metadata values, or configuration files.
Locations where only a subset of the Atom syntax is valid will accordingly only return Atom objects with the non-allowed members being empty or None, and will only accept Atom objects with said members set accordingly unless explicitly stated otherwise.
class pms_utils.atom.Atom(self: pms_utils.atom.Atom, expr: str)

Constructs a new Atom object from the input expression.


ValueError – The expression is invalid.

property blocker: pms_utils.atom.Blocker | None
property category: pms_utils.atom.Category
property name: pms_utils.atom.Name
property slotExpr: pms_utils.atom.SlotExpr | None
property usedeps: pms_utils.atom.Usedeps
property version: pms_utils.atom.Version | None
property verspec: pms_utils.atom.VersionSpecifier | None